Friday, July 30, 2010


1. What is the significance of Garvey having Cole taste the ingredients separately before letting him taste the cake?

Reply: I think the significance of Garvey making Cole taste the ingredients separately was because Cole kept making excuses for his anger. Cole made up several excuses that blamed others, like his abuse from his parents, to try and rationalize what he did to Peter. By making Cole taste the separate ingredients ,Garvey was showing Cole that a lot of bad things (the ingredients separately), amount to a good thing (the cake).

Follow Up Qustion: What other kind of analogies did Edwin and Garvey use in an attempt to teach Cole life lessons?

2.Why did Cole choose not to show Garvey and Edwin the hair from the Spirit Bear?

Reply: Cole chose not to show anyone the hair because he wanted people to believe him. After his near death experience Cole had decided to be a truthful person, when he said he'd seen and touched a Spirit Bear he felt like people should believe him. Cole didn't think he needed proof, he wanted Edwin and Garvey to trust him.

Follow Up Question: In what other instances did Cole want to be seen as a trustworthy person?

3.What is the signifigance of the title "Touching Spirit Bear".

Reply: The signifigance of the title "Touching Spirit Bear" to me has a double meaning. One, Cole physically touched the Spirit Bear and afterwards his whole perception of life changed. When he touched the Spirit Bear he began to heal and became a better person. The second meaning is the Spirit Bear touched Cole's spirit and changed him. The Spirit Bear emotionally touched Cole and Cole physically touched the Sprit Bear.

Follow Up Question: What is the signifigance of the Spirit Bear appearing after Cole and Peter became friends?

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